Friday, October 31, 2008


Another thought from John Piper's blog: (

My closing declaration is this: God has not called us to win elections, but to win souls and hearts and minds; he has not called us to control Congress, but to preach the gospel; he has not called us to be safe, but to tell the truth. He has not called us to avoid conflict, but to love everyone (1 Thessalonians 3:12). So speak the truth in love, entrust your cause to God, and keep the glory of God in the center of your soul, so that all the planets of your passions will be pulled into their proper orbit.

This quote was in context of a lecture on homosexuality, but I thought it applied.

birch out!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

vote, as though not voting

Weird title, huh? Well, it is the title of John Piper's latest Desiring God blog/email and it will make much more sense when actually reading it on his website: (

For those who don't want to read the whole article (I really recommend you do) I will give my own summary, though you will miss the richness of the scriptural refrences:

A Christian's priority is the kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of this world. Our primary concerns are the laws of God applied to the souls of men, not the laws of any country. Our eternal citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven, so it very much trumps any earthly kingdom citizenship we have. Our battles are not against flesh and blood, or people of this world, but against spiritual things.

I'm not saying don't vote, don't have an opinion, or do nothing in regards to american politics...but keep it in perspective. It is temporal...a secondary concern for a Christian. There isn't an absolute right or wrong answer with one party or candidate, even though there might be with any given issue...we are voting for the lesser of two (or more) evils, however you judge that. That isn't a slam on any candidate, it is just a fact of life when dealing with political systems whose loyalty is to other things (the nation, wealth, selfishness, etc.) before it is to God.

God bless...


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Upcoming HomeBuilder's Events

10/24 Noah's Ark Festival at HPBC

10/25 Bonfire with the Door

10/26 Meet in Chapel for Sunday School

10/26 Costume Party at the Ashcraft house at 4pm

10/27 Playgroup at Chick-Fil-a on Parmer at 9:45am

11/2 Girl's Night at 7:30 at Mandola's in the triangle

11/5 Playgroup at the Ashcraft's house at 9:45a (it's a Wednesday)

11/10 Playgroup at the Birch's at 3:45p (making boxes for Samaritan Purses)

11/16 Guy's Night at 7:30 at Sam's BBQ

12/6 Christgiving Party at the Birch's (Thanksgiving/Christmas party)

12/7 Sounds of Christmas at Worship Center at 6p (Orchestra and Ensemble groups)

12/14 Christmas Night of Praise at Worship Center at 6p

*if you didn't receive an evite for the bonfire or the costume party please know that you are welcome to come. Email me for more information:)

*more playgroups will be announced at a later date

*The Christgiving party is going to be so much fun. We are having a traditional spread of Thanksgiving/Christmas food along with an ornament exchange. There will be crafts for the kids and I'm already excited about it! We will also be collecting can goods at the party.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall Festivals

Fall Festivals

Noah's Ark Festival
October 24, 2008 5:30-8:30pm
Hyde Park Baptist Child Development Center is hosting their 21st annual Noah's Ark Festival. There will be games, train rides, pony rides, bouncey houses, food, a silent auction and more. Children can dress up as their favorite animal. Please come out and support this important ministry of our church.

Fall Festival
October 31, 2008 6-9 pm
First Baptist Church in Round Rock. There will be games, candy, inflatable jumpers, a silent auction, candy, and food. For more information, see

Fall Festival at Bannockburn Baptist Church
Email article Print article
October 31, 2008 The Bannockburn Baptist Church is hosting a Fall Festival October 31, 2008. The festival will be held from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the church. There will be food, fun, games and lots of candy for preschoolers and children.
For more information visit www.bbcfamily

Community Candy Carnival
Join Fellowship Church Southwest and Bowie High School as they co host the 5th Annual Community Candy Carnival Sunday, October 26, 2008 from 4:30pm–7:30pm. This annual event is a free community initiative that benefits Bowie High School clubs and organizations, Capital Area Food Bank of Texas, and serves south Austin by providing a safe environment for a family-friendly Halloween alternative. The carnival event offers free admission, games, prizes, candy, activities, entertainment, and free or very inexpensive food, even public service demonstrations provided by the Austin Fire Department and Austin Police Department.
Food and drink, such as pizza and a soda, will be available for a nominal fee. Attendees will enjoy great live music for the length of the event, while having full access to the variety of festivities for all ages. Carnival attendees are encouraged and welcome to wear family-friendly costumes.