Thursday, October 23, 2008

vote, as though not voting

Weird title, huh? Well, it is the title of John Piper's latest Desiring God blog/email and it will make much more sense when actually reading it on his website: (

For those who don't want to read the whole article (I really recommend you do) I will give my own summary, though you will miss the richness of the scriptural refrences:

A Christian's priority is the kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of this world. Our primary concerns are the laws of God applied to the souls of men, not the laws of any country. Our eternal citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven, so it very much trumps any earthly kingdom citizenship we have. Our battles are not against flesh and blood, or people of this world, but against spiritual things.

I'm not saying don't vote, don't have an opinion, or do nothing in regards to american politics...but keep it in perspective. It is temporal...a secondary concern for a Christian. There isn't an absolute right or wrong answer with one party or candidate, even though there might be with any given issue...we are voting for the lesser of two (or more) evils, however you judge that. That isn't a slam on any candidate, it is just a fact of life when dealing with political systems whose loyalty is to other things (the nation, wealth, selfishness, etc.) before it is to God.

God bless...



Elizabeth said...

Hi, is it just me but is there no link on this post to the big article? Though I really like the summary. And I voted early!

HomeBuilding Team said...

the link was there, just not visible. i had to leave it as mornal text for you to see it, so it is there now.