Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fall Mission Opportunities

Just wanted to give you a heads up on some missions opportunities for the next few weeks:

Pray 9:38 is going strong. Commit to pray for 38 minutes for the 9 weeks between 24 and Great Destinations that God would send labors into his harvest field (Mt 9:38). Pick up brochures in the breezeway and to strengthen this commitment, watch this 6 minute video.

Great Destinations (HP's annual missions weekend) is Nov 13-15.
Nov 13-Guy's night at the Quarries
Nov 14-Ladies brunch with Operation Christmas child shoe box packing after (be watching for more details)
Nov 15-Sunday evening service will be a time of testimonies with missions fair following including children's activity area and extended childcare for two and under.

A mission trip is going to Latvia Oct 13-23.
The team will also be taking craft supplies for the church that are unavailable in Latvia or too expensive. We are asking anyone who feels led to help us in this area. They need Tacky glue, soft stickers, regular stickers, washable markers, ribbons of various colors and widths, inflatable balls for child development games, and music CDs that are peaceful and relaxing.
They are also collection scholarships for handicap children to attend a Christian program.

A Mission trip is going to Sudan Oct 27-Nov 7.
"We are taking art material that will be used in a very large Mural that will be developed during the week during the presentation of the Gospel - $600. This mural will stay there as a testimony." They need donations to fund this project.

There will be a box at our basement coffee bar the next weeks to collect supplies and money for these trips. Remember these groups in your prayers! Let me know if you have any questions.