Monday, September 15, 2008


As you guys know, Texas suffered quite a hit this weekend due to hurricane Ike. One of our close friends Lindsey, Shaun and Rylan (6 months old) lost everything. Their home had 6-8 feet of water in it when the surge hit. They also had their vehicle in their garage and lost that as well. They are such a sweet family who loves the Lord and trusts he will take care of them. I was hoping we could help them get back on their feet. Has it been a while since you cleaned out your closets? They lost all of their clothes, shoes, work clothes, baby blankets, crib sheets, baby toys, basically anything you can imagine. She is a 6th grade math teacher and he is a high school principal. If you feel like cleaning out your closet and donating any clothes or baby items you can bring them to church with you and I'll make sure they get them.
Her sizes:
M-L shirt
8-10 pants
6 shoe

His sizes:
L shirt
33, 34 pants
11.5 shoes

Baby clothes:
he is going to need 9-12 month clothes or bigger. he also lost all toys, blankets, etc.

If something doesn't fit them I know they will give the items to another needy family. Their entire town (Bridge City) was lost in the surge.

Thanks so much!