Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nehemiah 5

We have at least one lesson left in Nehemiah (possibly two). It would thrill me to death if most of you actually read Nehemiah chapter 5 this week in preparation for this Sunday's lesson. If you do find yourself reading it, I'd like you to consider the following questions and be prepared to discuss your thoughts in class, if you are so inclined:

1. In chapter 5, we find that Nehemiah and the Jews with him in Jerusalem and the surrounding area have another big issue that becomes an obstacle in accomplishing Nehemiah's (and God's) goals. At a high level, how does this issue compare/contrast with the issues Nehemiah faced that we discussed last week (chapters 2 and 4)?

2. How do the issues presented in chapter 5 compare with issues our nation is facing right now?

Thanks...I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday morning!


Friday, March 20, 2009

Nehemiah 2:19 - 4 :23

We will discuss Nehemiah chapters 2 through 4 on Sunday if you want to read it by then. Our focus will be on events in the very last part of chapter 2 and events in chapter 4, not 3 though it has some interesting details about the wall that a map may come in handy for. One above shows how Nehemiah's wall section compares to the larger city of Christ's time. Also, a quick Google search for pictures of what remains of Nehemiah's wall is interesting.

Two fairly opened ended starting questions:

1) While verbal opposition started early, who where the first people to be physically attacked because of the wall project and what might this tell us about opposition to our own plans? (hint - it wasn't Nehemiah's workers)

2) In 2:19, they tell Nehemiah that he is "rebelling against the king" - why is this a silly taunt, and more importantly why didn't Nehemiah respond with "I got permission ....!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LogOn Online!!!

Many of our church family have enjoyed the benefits of receiving the weekly Hyde Park LOGON online.

Receiving the LOGON online enables you to get the publication earlier in the week as well as saves the printing and postage charges associated with providing you a hard copy.

If you are willing to begin receiving the weekly Hyde Park LOGON online, contact the church at: 512.459.6587 or email

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Easter Fun!

Egg Prep Playgroup
Wednesday, April 1 (no joke) 3:30, HPBC playground by the Ark
We'll let the kiddos play while moms stuff eggs. Bring eggs and candy (if you can't come to the playgroup, you can bring these to church before). There is always Wed night dinner-great food and price-at 5 if anyone wants to stay.

Class picnic & Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4, 10-1, Brackenridge UT Student Housing (Seth & Angie's place)
We will let the kids play while some of us get the word out about the Egg Hunt to the residents (as an outreach). We'll then have a picnic and set the eggs out. At Noon will be the hunt and we will have info sheets about our class and church for people who come. Bring your friends, your family's lunch and something to share (chips, cookies, drinks, etc).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nehemiah Chapters 1 and 2

Hey everyone! Nice to see everybody this morning who made it out. This is the second week in our new digs with the Door and it is still a little tight for those of you who have been. But don't worry, our fearless leaders are working on a resolution that we should have really soon. We've actually had just enough room for the number of folks that have come the last two weeks, but if everyone showed up we would be busting the seams! But we have about three proposed fixes so I'm confident we will get it resolved in the near future.

I thought we had a good lesson this morning on Nehemiah, but I'm sorry we didn't have more time for discussion. I would imagine we might have more time for it in the next couple of lessons...but I'm not sure.

I just wnated to recap the main points of the lesson:

1. In Nehemiah, we see God as the main character using Nehemiah to further His plan of redeeming the world. Don't we want God to be the main character of our life stories, using us to bring about his redemption of the world?

2. There are three main things I picked out of Chapters 1 and 2 that I think we can apply to ourselves if we want to part of God's redeeeming plan like Nehemiah.

a. Nehemiah knew his PURPOSE. We was committed to the covenant between the Jews and God. He could have been content just to live the nice life of a royal employee in Persia, but he longed to see his people in their promised land, safe and protected in Jerusalem where they could rebuild their nation, and worshipping God in his temple. This work lead to the possibility of Jesus being born when, where and who he was.

b. Nehemiah PRAYED for his role in rebuilding Jerusalem. He prayed for days, night and day. Possibly for four months straight! His prayer in chapter 1 stands as an example for us.

c. Nehemiah had a PLAN to fulfill his purpose. When the opportunity came to ask the King of Persia permission to rebuild Jerusalem, Nehemiah already had a detailed plan in place of what he needed from the King to accomplish his goal.

Are we committed to and aware of our PURPOSE in the new covenant of Jesus Christ? Are we in PRAYER about how we go about bringing God's redemption through Christ in our world? Do we have a PLAN to go execute what we know we are supposed to do?

I hope that this lesson causes you to re-evaluate your life in terms of what you are doing and why, and how it relates to the great commission Christ gave us. I know it has caused me to do that. I look forward to the next few leesons in Nehemiah this month. God bless!!!!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Starting Nehemiah

Hey Everyone!

I'm excited to start our seiries of lessons this month in Nehemiah. Most of the lessons are focused on looking at Nehemiah's example and applying that to our lives, so I focused this morning on the redemptive-historical importance of Nehemiah's life and work. God used Nehemiah to bring about fulfillment of his covenantal promise to Moses and Israel, which ultimately led to the redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ. Therefore Nehemiah also gives us a foreshadowing or 'type' of Christ in that he was used by God to further redemtption.

I challenge everyone to read Nehemiah this month (and Ezra too if you want to go all out). As you read and as you hear the lessons, keep in mind that Nehemiah doesn't just serve as a good moral example for us (even though he does), but that we can see God working out His plan of redemption through Nehemiah and the other characters of the story. Try to see Christ in it as well.

We didn't get to dive into the actual lesson this morning from Nehemiah Chapter 1 but I encourage you to consider these questions from the literature as you study it:


1. What do we learn about Nehemiah from these questions?
2. What do you think would be the natural response from someone in Nehemiah's position?
3. What questions should we be asking about the world around us?


1. Why did Nehemiah begin his prayer focusing on God?
2. What do we learn about the character of God from Nehemiah's prayer?
3. How can we embrace the character of God as we pray for the needs of others?
4. How does our commitment to prayer demonstrate our commitment to the needs of others?
5. How would our world be different if Christ followers saw confession as one of our first action steps to meet needs?


1. When we act on the promises of God, what qualities should characterize our service?

Thanks and God bless...


March Family Friendly Events in Austin

3/4/09 Austin Farmers Market at Triagle Park. 4-8 pm. Free parking in nearby garage.

3/7/09 Explore UT -- Open House at the UT campus. Events and fun for everyone. 11- 5pm.

Celebrate Texas parade up Congress Ave. 10:30 am.

"If You Give A Pig a Pancake" and Other Story Books performance at One World
Theatre. 11 am and 1 pm. $12.

Sunset Valley Farmers Market -- Fresh meats, produce, and specialty prepared
foods available for purchase in the parking lot of the Tony Burger Center. 9 am - 2 pm.

3/13/09 - 3/28/09 The Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo will be held at the Texas
Fairgrounds in Austin. A sneak peed event will take place on March $13
with $1 rides, free gate admission, and free parking.

3/18/09 Absolutely Incredible Kid Day at the Austin Children's Musuem. 5 - 8 pm.

3/28/09 Zilker Garden Festival -- Musical entertainment, vendors, and children's
activities. Zilker Garden 10 am - 5 pm.