Friday, March 20, 2009

Nehemiah 2:19 - 4 :23

We will discuss Nehemiah chapters 2 through 4 on Sunday if you want to read it by then. Our focus will be on events in the very last part of chapter 2 and events in chapter 4, not 3 though it has some interesting details about the wall that a map may come in handy for. One above shows how Nehemiah's wall section compares to the larger city of Christ's time. Also, a quick Google search for pictures of what remains of Nehemiah's wall is interesting.

Two fairly opened ended starting questions:

1) While verbal opposition started early, who where the first people to be physically attacked because of the wall project and what might this tell us about opposition to our own plans? (hint - it wasn't Nehemiah's workers)

2) In 2:19, they tell Nehemiah that he is "rebelling against the king" - why is this a silly taunt, and more importantly why didn't Nehemiah respond with "I got permission ....!"


Keith, Tiffany, Owen and Delia said...

keith's going to be so sad to miss it, he LOVES maps! i'm almost through w/ ezra! thanks for keeping us on our toes. tiff