Thursday, March 12, 2009

Easter Fun!

Egg Prep Playgroup
Wednesday, April 1 (no joke) 3:30, HPBC playground by the Ark
We'll let the kiddos play while moms stuff eggs. Bring eggs and candy (if you can't come to the playgroup, you can bring these to church before). There is always Wed night dinner-great food and price-at 5 if anyone wants to stay.

Class picnic & Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4, 10-1, Brackenridge UT Student Housing (Seth & Angie's place)
We will let the kids play while some of us get the word out about the Egg Hunt to the residents (as an outreach). We'll then have a picnic and set the eggs out. At Noon will be the hunt and we will have info sheets about our class and church for people who come. Bring your friends, your family's lunch and something to share (chips, cookies, drinks, etc).