Sunday, May 10, 2009

Here is a recap and one point we never got too.

Central question
: While Barnabas is named for his speaking encouragement to other people... ponder the physical real tangible encouragement he gives... he doesn't just encourage with words, he gives money, he trusts and stands up for people, he attends and participates, and mKeep this also in mind, we're looking at Barnabas as he gives us an example of a early church member, not a 'leader'.

Ch2:41-47 Early church characterized by generosity, benevolence, fellowship miracles and learning from the apostles. (interestingly the first meetings seem to be held in the temple...)

Ch4:36-37 Enter Barnabas(Joseph). Joseph was a Jewish christian born in Cyprus and comes to the church leaders with money from the sale of land. He is called Barnabas which means "Son of Encouragement"
- His first recorded "encouragement" was to give cold hard cash

Ch7:54 - Ch9:28 Enter Saul. Saul is not welcomed by the apostles ... not shocking as he is connected with the first martyr of a Christian in Jerusalem! (Stephen). It is Barnabas who speaks up for him and welcomes him!
- He 'encourages' the inclusion of a very unlikely convert by bringing him to the apostles. Barnabas is not a first hand witness to Saul's conversion nevertheless he trusts and vouches for Saul...

Ch.11: 19-30 Enter the Gentiles! Up to this point Christianity was Jewish. As Gentiles became believers the leadership in Jerusalem wanted to check it out... they send Barnabas. Barnabas then does something unlikely, before he goes back to Jerusalem with any news he goes to get Saul!!!
- Saul's first mission trip was initiated by Barnabas... Saul was "encouraged" to be a missionary by being taken by the hand and physically brought!

(We didn't talk about this one) Ch.15:1-35 Gentiles included! Barnabas and Paul go to the "Jerusalem Council" to decide what should be required of Gentile Christians. I'd speculate that Barnabas's words where probably more reliable still than Paul's... I mean he has a bad history in Jerusalem...

Ch.15:36-41 Barnabas raises a new missionary/Barnabas and Paul split. In a past mission trip John Mark had left them in the middle of the trip. Now Barnabas wanted to bring him back in on another trip, but Paul didn't. Paul didn't want a "quitter" on his team. So Barnabas and John Mark go to on a different mission trip.
- Here Barnabas stays in his role of "encouraging" new members
- Here Barnabas doesn't judge John Marks past 'failure' if indeed it was , but 'encourages' him by taking him on another trip... he doesn't give up on John Mark.
- Paul, now sufficient, still mimics his former leader and brings on other men (Silas and Timothy)

While I will never be compared to Paul... I might hope to be compared to Barnabas someday.