Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taking Your Questions...

On May 31st we will have a combined Sunday School class with the Door in which the five teachers between the two classes (me, Caleb, Josh, Russ, and Dave Taylor) will form a panel to do our best to answer any questions you may have.

So think about what questions you may have that really puzzle you or cause you some consternation. You can either email those to or add a comment to this blog post with your question (which you can do anonymously if you want).

I'm looking forward to your questions!!!



Roelse said...

-What religions do you think will be represented in heaven?

-How do dinosaurs fit in with the Bible?

If y'all could clear these up for me that would be great.


Anonymous said...

-Why do some Christians seem to experience blessing after blessing, while others experience tragedy after tragedy?

Anonymous said...

-Why do we pray, especially if God already knows how things are going to turn out?

Also, other than knowing Christ, how can we pray for non-Christians and their needs? e.g., sickness, financial needs, etc.

Anonymous said...

Why does God seem so distant sometimes?

Anonymous said...

-How can we explain that so many non-Christians seem to have such a good attitude when dealing with tragedy? While I am a Christian, I wonder if I would be able to be so positive...

Anonymous said...

What did Moses do at Meribah Kadesh that angered God so that He wouldn't let Moses enter the Promised Land?

Anonymous said...

-Am I a true Christian if I do not have faith like Job? I wonder how I would respond in a similar situation, and to be honest I'm pretty sure I would be mad at God.

On a somewhat related note, I sometimes fear that God will cause to happen to me the things I am the most afraid of in life (e.g., serious illness, early death of a family member, etc.), just to show me that I could make it... Is this one of God's methods, or is it an inaccurate understanding of His character?

Anonymous said...

Don't know why I didn't think of this before, but Todd Agnew (a Christian Artist) has a CD titled...."Better Questions" that happens to be my fav. All throughout the songs are some great, deep questions to ponder, pretty much straight from the bible. We don't need to get to these on Sunday, but I just wanted to post the links for all who are interested.

Check out the lyrics to "Least of These" and "If You Wanted Me To" at the following link...

Lots of good questions. Oh by the way, he is playing a concert in Austin on June 13 at Anderson Mill Baptist Church. We will be there, hope you can join us, and maybe we will ask him to answer his questions!


Anonymous said...

Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek. Just wondering how we teach this to our children in light of our culture. Is it okay to hit back? Defend yourself from a bully? What about owning a handgun to protect your family? Or being a solider in the army-and is that okay only for peace time or in a just war?

Keith, Tiffany, Owen and Delia said...

when the bible refers to the "rod" in discipline does it mean spanking or could it just mean consistent discipline? how literally do we take it?

Keith, Tiffany, Owen and Delia said...

im reading a book on moses and the author used mose's birth mother as an example of stay at home moms. she had the opportunity to train him up in his toddler years and lay a religious foundation that stuck w/ him into adulthood. he encourages all mothers to follow by example and stay at home w/ their kids and not do preschools ect (unless you have to). i am a stay at home mom who also takes advantage of preschool so my son can develop socialization skills. he is painfully shy and would never adjust to school otherwise. what does other scripture/biblical examples suggest? is preschool not a good thing?