Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1 John 3 - Children of God

This will be briefer due to the fact that I'm doing this update from my phone (which means probably even more typos than usual). Chapter 3 is all about being children of God. It covers much of the same subjects that were covered in the God is light section, but adds its own insights. I hope everyone will be reading the whole book this week in addition to reading chapter 3 with a little more depth. Here are spmecwuestions to consider while reading:

vv.1-3: why would John say that it is loving for God to make them his children?

vv.4-15: how comfortable are you with the phrase 'children of the devil'? Why or why not? Who are they and how do we treat them?

vv.16-24: does your heart ever condemn you? What should you do about it or keep in mind?

See you Sunday morning...God bless!
