Wednesday, July 29, 2009

1 John 4:7 - 5:3

This is the next to last section of 1 John that we will be covering. The focus on this passage is obviously love. I hope you have continued to read the whole book around once a week and that it has helped you grasp this little book that says so much in terms of its force.

If you can, please take some time between now and Sunday morning to read and meditate on this passage. Here are some questions to consider while doing so:

1. What is the expectation John is placing on believers and to whom are the targets of our expected actions?

2. Why are we expected to do this?

3. What does John say enables us to do this?

4. What are the four reasons John lists as to why God sent Jesus to the world? (Three are pretty obvious, the fourth really isn't too explicit, but its closely related to the other three.)



Elizabeth said...

We will miss yall the next two weeks.
All our LOVE!
E, C, L & G