Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bible 101 - Section 1: What's the Bible About

It was great to see everyone in class this morning...we had a full house (13), I think the most we've had.

Well, we finished up the timline covering the OT this week and we will be going through the NT next time by talking about the life of Christ, the Acts of the new church and apostles, and even some about the different views of the end times.

I'd like to reiterate once again the importance of understanding the big picture story, or the bookends of time, as I like to call it. God's creation was good and perfect until sin caused it to be corrupted and cursed. God's plan from the start was to redeem his creation and its crown jewel, man. We see descriptions of our resurrected and glorified bodies and also a brand new heaven and earth we will enjoy with God forever. God becoming one of us and suffering for the curse is the single event that allows God to renew all of us and his creation.

This is the story of the Bible...the story that all of the characters and events fall into...the story all of us have entered into as well. I hope that by keeping that in mind, and by knowing the order in which events and people in the Bible occurred, the Bible will speak to us even more clearly when we read and study it.

I've attached the timeline as a PDF file for your reference if you want it. I'll add to it as we go further through the Bible 101 series.

Bible 101 Timeline