Friday, May 23, 2008

Review of last time; blurb on this time

Hi every one, Here's a quick review of what we talked about last time.

Problem of pain = The world is full of futility, pain, injustice, suffering. If there is a God he must not care, or he is good but not powerful. Either's a problem!

Response 1: Recognition of the problem is evidence for a moral law/God's presence. If there is no God, then pain and suffering are SUPPOSE to happen... all of biological evolution/survival of fittest, etc is built on the competition for resources, struggle for power. So when we say, "that action is wrong!" you are invoking some sort of rule that is not implicit from the natural world..where did you get that rule? (Rom 1:20) (This doesn't even come close to a good recap)

Response 2: The God of Christianity can't be called uncaring, look at all he did to make things better, God in the flesh, died on the cross, taking our shame and sin...etc.

Response 3: Most would agree that at least some pain is "beneficial" such as the soreness of a good work out, or that some pain is "necessary" to bring about a better end, or prevent further pain (childbirth, pain that tells you to stay away). So I'd urge you that it is only a matter of perspective, in a sense, that all pain and suffering even SHOULD be prevented. (this leads to this week)

Now, this week we'll talk more about "how then shall we live" in the face of pain, problems, pesky problems, inconviences, true "suffering" etc.

I'd like people to reflect for a bit before sunday about what causes you the most pain suffering or sadness, no matter how small (actually, smaller can be better cause we can all relate).