Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Recap of last two (caleb) sundays

I have forgotten to put any followup on my last two sundays.

Several weeks ago we looked at lots of bible passages and verses about parenting. We started with some "scary" verses about how parents are held responsible for their children's behavior and actions. Then I claimed that verses in the bible about parenting seem to fit nicely into two broad categories. About children, and about parents. The about children category of verses contain verses telling children what to do(children obey your parents) and descriptions of wise children (proverbs - a wise son...) . The other category is where we focused and I claimed it could be broken into three sub categories. 1) parents need to discipline/be an authority. 2) Parents need to Teach their children about the Lord, and 3) parents need to be careful not to "exasperate" or drive their children away.

In hind site I was not pleased with my delivering of this discussion because we focused too much on how we discipline and not exasperate instead of focusing on the paucity of instruction we actually have in the bible and what this means for us. To me it means that I have alot of freedom in what/how to parent. Alot of our fears are that we think there is this "right" way to do things and we might be doing it wrong. Well, the bible only tells you to teach, not how. So lets be less fearfull, chose a way of teaching that suites the kiddos and Go!

Then my last sunday we discussed one specific thing about teaching our children the virtues we value as christians - by our own actions. We used the fruits of the spirit as our discussion guide and tried to think of how our actions could/do teach by example love joy peace patients kindness faithfulness gentleness goodness and selfcontrol.

This coming week.... BE EXCITED AND READY TO TALK!