Saturday, June 6, 2009

Teachers' Panel on 5-31-09

Hello good people of the Homebuilders and the Door!

I've uploaded audio files of the teacher's panel we had last week and have the links below just in case you missed class that day or if you just want to make sure you heard us right because you can't believe what kind of heresies came out of our mouths. :)

I'm just kidding, of course, but seriously, none of us are claiming to be infallible in our interpretation and application...we are trying to be as faithful to the Word of God as possible, though, and not relying on the wordly philosophies de jour.

We covered four questions in class and I've got links for each (questions about Moses and tunring the other cheek are combined):

Introduction and Caleb discusses questions related to suffering.

Casey answers questions on the sin of Moses at Meribah Kadesh and how to apply Jesus' instruction to "turn the other cheek".

Josh gives a short answer to the question of why we pray when God already knows what He is going to do.

I've got another post coming soon addressing two questions on stay at home moms and disciplining children, since we won't cover those in class.

As always...I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
