Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mission Opportunity

The Singles Department at Hyde Park is organizing a pair of supporting
Mission Trips to Paraguay (in South America between Brazil, Bolivia, and
Argentina). The first trip will be October 10th through 18th, and the
follow-on trip will be the 17th through 25th. They need a team of 10
people to attend each trip and already have several spots filled. The
second trip plans to organize and run a 3-on-3 basketball tournament and
use it as an opportunity for evangelism. The first trip will perform
promotion for the tournament and some door-to-door evangelism.

If you are interested in attending or supporting these Mission Trips,
Chuck Haddox (the HPBC minister to singles) is hosting an informational
session on this Sunday, August 3rd, in Room W218 after the 11am service.
Please come by if you can.