Sunday, August 3, 2008

Recap on "evolution" talk

The first two points summarize what I said the first two weeks, in total I hope it might serve guidelines for how to defend your faith or help a struggling seeker/family member.

1). The creation story in the first two chapters of Genesis are complicated and allow multiple interpretation. The simplest interpretation, based on no other information is what we call young earth creationism. I argue that to properly understand passages in the bible that have complex and seemingly contradictory verses we need other information to help guide our interpretation of scripture, we should do so here. We do the same thing to most challenging verses, ask me for examples if you don't think so.
2) Evolutionary theory is like gravitational theory; and idea that is based on solid factual scientific evidence. The earth looks millions of years old. All Living beings look commonly derived.
3) Some science should be used to show that belief in God is not made impossible by even pure evolution such as evidence of the Big Bang, all matter and energy had a definite beginning!
4) The sheer improbability the Big Bang resulted in a universe capable of evolution is crazy, but it happened. It's like all 100 roulette tables in a casino coming up with exactly predicted numbers that stood in precise ratios to other tables; table 1 is .2 and half of table 2, which is one third table 3, etc.)
5) The Universal Moral Law would teach us to counter act evolution - even ardent evolutionist don't want pure evolution. Typically animals massacre, annihilate and kill those that stand in their way from their propagation. "The notion that there is something such as a common good would never occur to a lion. "We seem to have a lot of zebra left over from that last kill. Shall we drop over to visit with that pride down the block who seems to be struggling with all those new cubs?" (quoted from an evolution website)
6) I would then suggest that this at least makes the presence of a God possible, even ceding all evolution, and then begin to probe the heart: What do they want? Do they inwardly know they have a purpose? Does anything in them cry out for love, rescue, help, redemption? Do they know that some of what they do is wrong and in need of forgiveness? These things make me personally chose to believe.

Overall, we Christians need to be less concerned about being "right" about evolution vs creation. Give the evolutionist their data, they're not making it up, but they still need a Saviour. We need to quickly bring it to the heart of the matter.

I hope this little side trip was beneficial.